In World Refugee Day message, presiding bishop says goal is to welcome the stran...
June 17, 2011
Grant applications now accepted for Episcopal Church innovative leadership devel...
June 16, 2011
Lynnaia Rochelle Main named Episcopal Church Global Relations Officer
June 15, 2011
The Rev. Canon Robert Edmunds named Episcopal Church Middle East Partnership Off...
June 15, 2011
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop on World Refugee Day: “An opportunity to rec...
June 14, 2011
World Refugee Day photography exhibit features refugee stories from Episcopal Mi...
June 14, 2011
Elizabeth Lowell named Episcopal Church Project Manager for Fundraising
June 7, 2011
Episcopal Church Office of Communication offers affordable website services for ...
June 7, 2011
Episcopal City Missions
June 7, 2011
Easter 7A at Holy Apostles Church
June 5, 2011