Katharine Jefferts Schori
In World Refugee Day message, presiding bishop says goal is to welcome the stran...
June 17, 2011
Episcopal City Missions
June 7, 2011
Easter 7A at Holy Apostles Church
June 5, 2011
Sermon at St. Paul's Cathedral at their Eucharistic Festival
June 4, 2011
The Presiding Bishop Preaches on Ascension at Stanford Episcopal-Lutheran Memori...
June 2, 2011
Beauty and Power, Truth and Good: A 21st Century Quest for the Real
June 1, 2011
Presiding Bishop Preaches at St. John's Episcopal Church–Diocese of N...
May 22, 2011
Presdiing Bishop Preaches at the Catedral Ste Trinite, 11 a.m. Service
May 15, 2011
Quasimodo Lecture–Networks for the Future: Catholic Beyond Boundaries
May 14, 2011
Sankte Gertrudis
May 14, 2011
Sermon for the 10th Anniversary Celebration of Full Communion with Lutherans
May 1, 2011
Sermon for the Second Sunday Easter, Diocese of Western New York
May 1, 2011
Diocese of Pittsburgh Chrism Mass Sermon
April 19, 2011
Palm Sunday, Newton Grove, NC
April 17, 2011
Sermon for the Renewal of Ordination Vows
April 15, 2011
Christ Church Durham 350th Anniversary Sermon
April 10, 2011
Diocese of North Carolina Service of Repentance, Healing, and Reconciliation
April 9, 2011
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop’s 2011 Easter Message: “We give thanks for...
April 7, 2011