Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew

What is Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew?

Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew is an innovative ministry redevelopment initiative strengthening parishes for the challenging, yet exciting, work of launching new ministries in their neighborhoods. We have a particular focus on the practice of building relationships with fellow parishioners and with our wider community. We believe that through these relationships we will discover the ways God is active in and around our congregations.   

In these challenging times, we see the need for community, and we see opportunity. We invite you to join us as we embrace brave change: 

  • Explore new ways of being church by joining our  “Second Tuesdays”  monthly conversation on topics related to practicing possibility in our lives and ministries and our  “Third Thursdays”  experimental redevelopment lab!  No commitment necessary.  Find more information about these opportunities at  this link.  
  • Hungry for coaching that moves your church more faithfully and more innovatively into your neighborhood, even if you are experiencing decline?  Click here  to learn about our 6-month Coaching Cohort For Churches Experiencing Decline.   
  • Consider joining the Practicing Communities. Participating churches practice innovative and relational team-based redevelopment within a diocesan team (five or more participating churches from within your diocese). You will be accompanied by experienced mentors and teachers from across the church. To learn more about this six-month to two-year online school, called “The Practicing Communities”  click here.  

Steve Matthews

Consultant, Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew

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