Commonplace: Gathering Leaders Across a Region
“The idea behind Commonplace is really pretty simple, a place where young adults in leadership…
Official Youth Presence Class of 2012
Please join me in congratulating and praying for the Class of 2012 General Convention Official…
General Convention Official Youth Presence, Province I
Meet David Karpf, Diocese of Connecticut, and Sarah Neumann, Diocese of Massachusetts, both serving on…
Meet the General Convention Official Youth Presence
For the next few weeks I’ll be posting videos from Adult Mentors and youth participating…
General Convention Official Youth Presence
We are one step closer to populating the 18 seats of the Official Youth Presence….
Lenten Devotions
God, our Creator, who has shown us the way to pray, be with me as…
Needed: Mission Carpenters
One of the most awe-inspiring aspects of last summer’s Episcopal Youth Event was watching an…
GCOYP's 09 Reflections
From our two Province IV Official Youth Presence Members in 2009 Official Youth Presence 2009…
Meet Our Team of Adult Mentors, Spanish Translators and our Chaplain for GCOYP
Meet our General Convention Official Youth Presence Adult Mentors, Translators, Chaplain and staff. Filed under:…
General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP), Province II
Meet Grace Steele and Elizabeth Engle, serving on behalf of Province II at the July…
General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP), Province III
Meet David Kilp, Diocese of Central Pennsylvania and Isabelle Lock, Diocese of Maryland. They are…
General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP), Province IV
Meet Benjamin Cowgill, Diocese of North Carolina and Nora Vinas, Diocese of Southeast Florida. Filed…
Youth Ministry in Today's Church
Leader Resources, the folks who brought us Journey to Adulthood and Rite 13, continue to…
A Gift of Prayers; Call on Me
My sons have always known a family dinner to be prefaced with the praying of…
General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP), Province V
Meet William Burton-Edwards, Diocese of Indianapolis and Julia Robinson, Diocese of Ohio. Filed under: General…
Being Faithful with Facebook
Social Media have been a topic of great controversy in ministry and there are many…
General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP), Province VI
Meet Emma Grundhauser, Diocese of Minnesota and Cole Mayer, Diocese of South Dakota. Filed under:…
General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP), Province VII
Meet Laurent De Prins, Diocese of Western Louisiana and Maria Taylor, Diocese of Arkansas. Filed…
General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP), Province VIII
Meet Ariana Gonzalez-Bonillas, Diocese of Arizona and Patrick Melendez, Diocese of California. Filed under: General…
General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP), Province IX
Meet Darling Daniel Ortiz Chemountd, Diocese of the Dominican Republic and Marlene Rodriguez, Diocese of…
Five Marks of Mission Video Contest
How are you living the Marks of Mission? Can you name the Five Marks? In…
Blog post, Day 1 of General Convention
by Cole MayerOfficial Youth Presence journalist It was around 5 o’clock on the first day….
Next Post
By Cole Mayer, Diocese of South DakotaOfficial Youth Presence journalist Today was a simply easy…