GCOYP: We have a great group of young people
Filed under: General Convention
Yea Emma!
From the Episcopal Church in Minnesota’s blog… Yay Emma!!! She spoke bravely and eloquently in…
GCOYP Reflection on General Convention, Days 1 and 2
Cole Mayer, Diocese of South Dakota, David Kilp, Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, and Sarah Neumann,…
Videos of David, Ariana, Julia and Emma speaking at Evangelism Committee meeting
Filed under: General Convention
Emma and Ariana quoted in Episcopal News Service story
Check it out: http://episcopaldigitalnetwork.com/ens/2012/07/06/water-first-or-table-committee-hears-open-table-testimony/ Filed under: General Convention
GCOYP's photostream
GCOYP’s photostream on Flickr. View the photos from today’s sessions at General Convention. More to…
GCOYP: Nora testifies on the DREAM Act resolution
Nora Vinas, Diocese of SE Florida, testifies in favor of D067, a resolution calling for…
GCOYP's Ariana testifies on the DREAM Act resolution
Official Youth Presence member, Ariana Gonzalez-Bonillas, Diocese of Arizona, worked with the Rev. LeeAnne Watkins,…
Official Youth Presence addresses the House of Bishops
Nora Vinas, Diocese of SE Florida, and Patrick Melendez, Diocese of California today addressed the…
GCOYP Reflection on General Convention, Days 3 and 4
Cole Mayer, Diocese of South Dakota, interviews Laurent De Prins, Diocese of Western Louisiana, Maria…
Youth Have Spoken
by Marlene Rodriguez, Diocese of Puerto RicoOfficial Youth Presence journalist “This is what the church…
GCOYP Interview with House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson
Cole Mayer and Marlene Rodriguez interview Bonnie Anderson over lunch with the GCOYP. Filed under:…
Sunday Funday
by Marlene Rodriguez, Diocese of Puerto RicoOfficial Youth Presence journalist What a day for the…
GCOYP Reflection on General Convention, Days 5 and 6
Sunday night
by Marlene Rodriguez, Diocese of Puerto RicoOfficial Youth Presence journalist What a week! For OYP…
GCOYP's photostream
GCOYP’s photostream on Flickr. View the photos from today’s sessions at General Convention. More to…
Ariana reflects on General Convention Official Youth Presence
Just about three months have passed since the General Convention of the Episcopal Church adjourned…
Sarah's reflection on General Convention Official Youth Presence
Here’s another in our ongoing series of reflections from participants in this summer’s General Convention…
Consider Applying for a Constable Fund Grant
There is still time for congregations, dioceses, organizations, institutions and others to apply for the…
Saturday and Sunday at General Convention
by Cole Mayer GCOYP Journalist The weekend at general convention! Saturday/Sunday Saturday morning at the…
Youth Ministry Salaries
Compensation Salary. Benefits? What is “full-time?” What are others paid for church work; lay or…
ENS story includes D067 (DREAM Act resolution)
[Episcopal News Service – Indianapolis] The House of Deputies on July 11 approved a number of…
Episcopal Church Trends
This was just published today by the Office of Public Affairs: New facts and figures…
Youth Ministry Job Searches and Postings
Frequent questions to the Youth Ministry Office not only include questions about wage and benefit…