Frank Tracy Griswold III

The 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

World Mission Sunday 2002 Letter

January 10, 2002
Frank T. Griswold

January, 2002

Dear companions in Christ:

The Episcopal Church will celebrate World Mission Sunday on February 10 in 2002, with a theme of “Companionship.”

More than 80 dioceses of our church have companion relationships with dioceses or provinces in other parts of the Anglican Communion. In addition, thousands of congregations have exciting links with parishes, projects, and persons in countries very different from our own. As you know, these dynamic relationships incarnate our faith in Jesus Christ, our redeemer and friend. They provide windows on the world, and open doors to a life of fellowship, service, and witness that enriches us beyond measure.

The enclosed poster celebrates the joy of being partners in the missio Dei, or “God’s project” as our Presiding Bishop would say! (Of course, cross-cultural relationships can be complex, so I and my colleagues here in the Anglican and Global Relations cluster hope you will call us whenever you have questions.)

The poster is the third in a series that we have produced in response to the 1997 General Convention Resolution A205, “that educational opportunities be provided at every level of the church … to increase awareness of and participation in world mission.”

Additional materials and resource suggestions may be found on special pages in the Anglican and Global Relations section of the Episcopal Church web site: These include a bulletin shell, bulletin insert, and activity sheet for young persons that may be downloaded and photocopied as needed.

Please note that the resources developed for 2000 (“Hear Their Cry!” focusing on the persecuted church, particularly in Sudan) and for 2001 (“We Are A Missionary Church!”) are still available on the web site or through Episcopal Parish Services (1-800-903-5544). World Mission Sunday materials are not dated, so as to enable choices that might suit particular interests in your parish at any given time.

We would be delighted to share any World Mission Sunday resources that you may have developed on the web pages, so that others may use or adapt them. Feel free to contact me at, or by telephone at 1-800-334-7626, ext. 6224.

May God bless you in your ministry, and bring peace to our hurting world.

Yours faithfully,

Margaret S. Larom
World Mission Interpretation & Networks Office
