Episcopal Church joins 10.10.10 movement The Global Work Party to cut carbon emissions

Mark October 10, 2010 – 10.10.10 – on your calendar as a day to build community, have fun and cut carbon emissions.

Michael Schut, Episcopal Church Officer for Environmental/Economic Affairs, says that individuals, families, neighborhoods, congregations, schools, dioceses – communities of all kinds and sizes – can make a positive impact on the future by participating in the international Global Work Party movement on 10.10.10.

“This will be a great party around the world,” he said. “We can all do our part. By working together, we can send a message to world leaders that they need to get to work as well.”

So far the Global Work Party, sponsored by 350.org (www.350.org), lists 1214 actions planned in 117 countries.

To join an already scheduled work party, or to register one, visit www.350.org.

Schut explained the significance of “350” as “350 parts per million (ppm) is what scientists say is the safe upper limit of carbon in the atmosphere. The current level is 390 ppm. To return to 350 ppm, we need to cut our carbon emissions.”

Schut offers some activities to consider for 10.10.10

– Install weather-stripping, efficient lighting and more insulation in your parish and your home;

– Plant trees;

– Harvest community gardens to demonstrate local food solutions;

– Organize a carpool/bike to church Sunday;

– Host a bike-repair workshop or install bike racks outside your church;

– Paint your roof white to cool off without air-conditioning;

– Organize a discussion on the environment with your congregation, youth group, and others;

– Ring bells 350 times.

Resources and ideas for observing 10.10.10 are here: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/109350_123831_ENG_HTM.htm

and http://www.350.org/

For more information, contact Schut at mschut@episcopalchurch.org.

Episcopal Church Environmental Ministries: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/environment

Episcopal News Service: 10/10/10: Jesus with a shovel (or a bike wrench, a paint brush )


Episcopal News Service: 10/10/10: Jesús con una pala (o una llave para bicicletas, una brocha de pintar…)


The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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Categories: Public Affairs