Upcoming Webinars: Inventory of Racial Justice and Truth-Telling Ministries  

For the second year, The Episcopal Church has gathered data from more than 70 dioceses – as well as more than 140 congregations and institutions – detailing regional and local ministries of racial justice, reconciliation and healing, this time with an emphasis on ministries of truth-telling about our churches and race. 
A series of three webinars will introduce the full array of ministries in this year’s inventory, an online resource that goes live following the first webinar. Sessions will also feature wisdom from leaders who are dedicated to racial truth-telling, reckoning with history, faithfully approaching reparations, and healing the wounds of racism. The inventory and webinars are a project of the Church’s Racial Reconciliation and Justice Team with partners at Justice and Sustainability Associates.  

Session #1: Overview of the Racial Justice Ministries Inventory  
Wednesday, November 17, 3 – 4:30 pm Eastern 
Explore the 2021 Inventory of Racial Justice Ministries, including specific information about dioceses, congregations and institutions engaged in Truth and Reconciliation processes. 

Watch the recording here: Overview of the Racial Justice Ministries Inventory

Session #2: Truth-telling Ministries: Highlighted Examples and Lessons Learned 
Tuesday, December 14, 3 – 4:30 pm Eastern 

Engage a panel of leaders from ministries engaged in truth-telling, reckoning and healing work, with stories of their ministries and the lessons they’re learning. 

Watch the recording here: Truth-telling Ministries: Highlighted Examples and Lessons Learned 

Session #3: Truth-telling Ministries: Taking the First Steps 
Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 3 – 4:30 pm Eastern 

Inspiring leaders share best practices and ideas for truth-telling, reckoning and healing work, to help other Episcopal groups to jumpstart or enhance their efforts.  


For more information, contact Josh Babb, Project Manager for Justice and Sustainability Associates, at josh@jsallc.com. Learn about Episcopal racial reconciliation ministries at www.episcopalchurch.org/reconciliation