Christmas Offerings & Update on Mailing Materials

By UTO Formation and Development Committee 

Gratitude might not be the first thing you think of when you consider Advent and Christmastime, but we hope it will be! There’s so much to be thankful for during the holiday season that we at UTO want to help you intentionally practice gratitude. We have some offerings to help add gratitude to your celebrations. Our free printable Letter to Santa (in English and Spanish) helps kids reflect on things they are grateful for before sailing into their list of present requests. We’ve also just added a fun Christmas Board game. You can print out the board, tokens (or just use some from another game), and cards to spend some time with friends or family sharing Christmas memories as you race around the board to the finish line. We’re sure everyone will feel grateful after getting to share and receive stories of Christmas joy.

Just a reminder that we are not shipping UTO materials after Nov. 22 until January. Be sure to order your Lenten materials by Jan. 8 so we have time to print, process, and ship your Lenten kit in February. You can order your materials here. This Lent, we’re joining up with Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) to present our materials, so be sure to check out all our Lenten offerings (which are now available) here.