Youth Ministries

Still Fine Tuning the EYE14 Registration Process

November 6, 2014
Youth Ministries

Greetings in Epiphany!

Today is the much anticipated day that we planned to open registration for the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE14) and 3 Days of Urban Mission. We are still working on some technical glitches in the registration software in an effort to make the process as simple as possible for diocesan registrars.

Sometime in the next 72 hours each registrar will receive an official invitation to the registration process. We anticipate having registration open this week through March 15, unless we reach lodging capacity before March 15. In that event, we will close registration and notify any remaining dioceses that we are full, and we will see if it’s possible to negotiate alternative lodging sites close to the Villanova campus.

All registrars should take this opportunity to review the registration guidelines (which can be found by clicking here) and double-check that they have completed forms for each attendee. Those forms are available here and will need to be forwarded and completed electronically. Instructions about uploading these forms will be in the registration confirmation email that is auto generated at the end of each registration process. That email will also provide deposit and payment information.

The ethnic missioners representing our Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American/Indigenous populations will be hosting an EYE14 Pre-Conference for youth of these constituencies. If you would like more information about this opportunity, please contact me directly for more information at Bronwyn Clark Skov.

I do apologize for our delay and trust that you understand it is in your best interest that we continue the fine-tuning of our registration process before we go live. We are ever so close to being ready and appreciate your prayers, patience, and cooperation.



Canon Myra Garnes

Officer for Youth Ministries

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